Hourly Anzu

A bot created to appreciate Anzu


This bot was made with Cheap Bots, Done Quick and posts random Anzu's content(s) every hour.

Please DM this account if there are any problems!


You can submit any content(s) Anzu related that are not yet in the bot source (you can check content for the list) through DM! It can be anything as long as it relates to Anzu (screencap anime, CGs, dialogues, etc).

Please note that I don't accept fanart.

You can choose whether you want your submission to be included in the bot source or not.


Content(s) that are already in the bot source:

✿ All CGs that are in Ensemble Stars wiki
✿ Some anime screencaps from episode 1-22
✿ Engirls Suzu Kuromori CG (with Anzu's brother dressed as Anzu as cameo)